Hello, my hommies! :)
Finnely im here)))) im so happy to have some time for posting n checking ur amazin blogs)))))
This is my last post in 2013year n this post ab 2013year))
Bad sides of year.
I had grand lost this year:( My friend, my grandfather n my lovely kitty gone... Also i had big problems with my health.
Good sides of year.
This year gave me a lot of travells. First trip was to Hannover, second to south of my country on summer holidays n last will be 28th december in 4 west-europen contries(Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria and Germany). Oh, u even cant image how much i wanna dis trip:))
Private life
I had interesting private life, yea im talkin ab guyz))) n i guess ive founded much more then just boyfriend:))))
One of the most important thing which i receive in 2013 it was support, sweet comments, amazin visitors n readers of my child, of my bloggy:)))) Tnx u guys sooo sooo much for this:))))) im really happy n proud to be interesting for u! :))
Merry Xmas n Happy new 2014 year!!! Wishin absolutelly hapiness for all you!!!
xoxo Girly
all this n many other picz u can find @girlys_world